How to Become a Franchise Consultant?

Turn your passion for business into a thriving career: Become a Franchise Consultant and shape the future of entrepreneurship!

Turn your passion for business into a thriving career: Become a Franchise Consultant and shape the future of entrepreneurship!

Being a Franchise Consultant can be a very profitable and fulfilling job. Tens of thousands of chances for small business ownership and millions of jobs for workers across America are directly attributable to the franchising sector. 2019 saw the U.S. economy generate $787.5 billion in revenue from franchise establishments, supporting around 8.4 million direct employment and accounting for 3% of GDP. A career as a franchise consultant will put you at the center of this rapidly expanding sector. Here are some important details if you’re interested in learning how to become a franchise consultant.

The agent or point of contact between potential franchisees and franchisors is known as a franchise consultant. If you are doing your job well, you will give the potential customer options without influencing their choice. Brokers are knowledgeable about available franchise opportunities in the industry. They build a prospective franchisee’s options according to the values and interests of their clientele. They achieve this by evaluating objectives, talents, and interests.

Table of Contents

How to Become a Franchise Broker?


If you’re looking for information on how to become a franchise broker, then you are at the right place. The best place to start is by partnering with an established franchise consulting company like National Franchise Association. The core of NFA’s extensive franchise broker training program is ethics and honesty. We think that having the right training is the first step towards becoming a successful consultant, as the job of the consultant is crucial to the candidate’s success. With the help of our program, you will gain knowledge from the most well-known consultants and specialists in the field who will impart advice, tactics, and successful franchise consulting techniques.

Franchise Broker License

Having the right training is important to becoming a franchise broker, even though there isn’t an official license for them. Within the sector, the most extensive program is the Certified Franchise Advisor (CFA) program. We will provide you with all the resources and instruction required to pass the CFC Exam and become a Certified Franchise Consultant in as little as four to six weeks. You will be ready for a fulfilling and prosperous career as a franchise broker with our comprehensive training.


Franchise Consulting Business

Being able to customize a franchise consulting business is its best feature. As a consultant, you can begin on a part-time basis and expand the company at your own speed. Alternatively, if you’re eager to get started, you can dedicate yourself fully and earn substantial benefits. The opportunities for a franchise consulting business are endless. We provide you with all the resources you require to get off the ground as well as the means


and chances to continue expanding your franchise consulting company year after year.

3 Steps to Becoming a Franchise Consultant


Choosing to go further and improve your life is the first, and most likely the hardest, step in launching a franchise broker business. The remaining steps on how to become a franchise consultant be will occur once you’ve made the decision to go on the journey to become a franchise consultant. We’ve laid everything out for you below so you can follow along step by step!

Step 1. Educate Yourself

Go through each page in the resource center, if you haven’t already. In order to help you learn more about the franchise consultant business opportunity, the requirements for a successful career as a franchise broker, and why the NFA (National Franchise Association) is the ideal place to get Certified Franchise Consultant Training, we have put together a series of educational blogs and online pages.

Step 2. Reach out to us!

To arrange a one-on-one call with the NFA, either call (504) 345-1170 or complete the form at the bottom of this page. You will get an insightful knowledge about operating a franchise broker firm with our customized tour.

Step 3. Start Your Training to Become a Franchise Broker

You can learn how to become a franchise consultant in as little as 4 to 6 weeks.
As a franchise broker for NFA, you will:

1. Get access to our unique contracts with multiple franchise companies and lucrative commission-paying business possibilities.

2. Obtain the designation of CFC (Certified Franchise Consultant). This program offers the chance to discover the most effective strategies for running a profitable franchise consulting company. Being a Certified Franchise Consultant will make you known as a member of an exclusive, morally-driven franchise broker group.

3. You will be able to participate in webinars or conference calls nearly every day of the week. Staff members from NFA, lenders, and franchisors host NFA Impact seminars. They are intended to improve your knowledge of the sector and the franchise brands that are part of NFA’s network. You will be well-positioned for success as an NFA consultant.

4. Get access to downloadable business forms, presentation materials, scripts, and other necessary resources for managing your franchise broker enterprise.

5. Get training in every facet of becoming a franchise broker, such as marketing your company, client qualification, franchise matching, moral business conduct, collaborating with franchisors, comprehending your prospects, financing, customer relationship management (CRM), and a ton of other things.

6. Get a website that is ready for use right away. Your website will feature your franchise consulting business logo, company name, and colors when you work with us as a franchise consultant. It will also be integrated with the franchise portfolio of NFA (National Franchise Association).

7. Deal with Career Transition Leads to receive a $2,500 credit. These leads are exclusive to NFA brokers, call confirmed, and updated in real time.

Experience the best in franchising education with the Certified Franchise Advisor (CFA) program, where greatness, experience, and knowledge come together to produce a life-changing educational opportunity.

With over 35 years of experience leading businesses and franchises, Dr. Robert A. Needham is a respected executive who will guide you through this course that will improve your knowledge and skills in the franchising sector. With his broad experience as a leader, counselor, and inventor, Dr. Needham has unmatched insight into the nuances of franchise operations.

Dr. Needham adds depth and breadth to the curriculum by utilizing his extensive experience gained from pursuing academic endeavors in Mathematics, Computer Science, Juris Doctor, and PhD Business Administration. Well-known for his expertise in technology, business, franchising, and forensic investigation, he has worked with several brands in a variety of franchise sectors, establishing him as a leading authority in the field.

Being a qualified Instruction Systems Designer (ISD) and published author, Dr. Needham approaches education from a variety of angles, using books, white papers, blogs, TV and radio appearances, and online programs. His experience as a former member of the U.S. Air Force and an alumnus of NASA further highlights his drive to quality, demonstrating precision and dedication in all that he does.

The Certified Franchise Advisor (CFA) program provides a thorough curriculum based in Instruction Systems Design (ISD), which goes beyond conventional educational paradigms. Emphasizing hands-on experience and real-world situations, graduates get the knowledge and abilities necessary to succeed in the cutthroat world of franchising.

This program aims to help you take your career to new heights by utilizing the knowledge of prominent industry figures such as Dr. Needham. The CFA Course gives you the skills and direction you need to be successful, whether your goal is to advise, plan, or develop wealth through franchising.

Take advantage of this chance to invest in your future by paying just a little monthly fee for the course.


A bachelor’s degree in business or a related field, training, and a solid grasp of business principles are prerequisites for becoming a franchise consultant. To strengthen your credentials and abilities, you can also obtain accreditation from the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA) and the International Franchise Association (IFA).

Franchise Business Review states that the average pre-tax yearly income for American franchise owners is $80,000. 51% of franchise owners make less than $50,000 per year, and just 7% make more than $250,000.

Franchise consultants, also known as franchise brokers or franchise business consultants, are paid a commission when they successfully match a candidate with a franchisor. The commission is usually a percentage of the franchise fee, which can range from a few percent up to 50%. The average initial franchise fee is around $25,000–$50,000, so a commission of 40–50% could equate to $15,000–$50,000 per referral.

Final Thoughts

A possible path to achieving both financial success and personal fulfillment is to work as a franchise consultant. The American economy is significantly boosted by the franchising industry, which generates millions of employment and significant money. You are essential in matching qualified franchise opportunities with prospective franchisees as a consultant. Comprehensive training and ethical supervision are critical for success in this sector. Gaining access to the required knowledge and resources is made possible by collaborating with respectable institutions such as the National Franchise Association.

Franchise consulting is flexible, enabling either a full-time or part-time engagement. Consultants can create profitable businesses at their own speed if they have access to a variety of franchising possibilities and continuous support. Programs with a structured approach, such as the Certified Franchise Advisor (CFA) program, provide insightful commentary from professionals in the field. A realistic curriculum and real-world applications equip aspiring consultants with the knowledge and abilities necessary to successfully negotiate the challenges of franchising.

Choosing to become a franchise consultant represents a commitment to both positive impact and professional development. A gratifying entrepreneurial journey can be undertaken by aspirant consultants with the correct training, ethics, and passion, where they will assist others in realizing their ambitions in the exciting field of franchising.

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